Below are our conditions and policies of sale and reservations, disputes and refunds, our team is at your disposal for any further information, it will advise and assist you to make your reservations and during your stay in Morocco, do not hesitate to contact us!


General Terms of Sale:

The present terms of sale aim to define the contractual relationship between BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL and the customer and the conditions applicable to any purchase made through our platform. The acquisition of a service through the present platform implies unreserved acceptance by the customer of the present conditions of sale, which the purchaser acknowledges having read prior to ordering.

 Before any transaction, the customer declares on the one hand that the purchase of a service on the platform BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL has no direct relationship with his professional activity, it is limited to a strictly personal use and on the other hand to have the full legal capacity which allowing him to engage under these general conditions of sales.

 BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL platform, reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions of sale at any time, in order to comply with any new regulations or in order to improve the use of its platform. Consequently, the applicable conditions will be those in force at the date of the buyer’s order.

Limits of liability:

– All users are responsible for the use of BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL and its affiliated sites, and undertake to provide accurate information. In the event of an error, he/she must modify his/her data 24 hours before the date of the service. BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL cannot be held responsible for any shortcomings due to erroneous information provided by the customer.

 – It is the responsibility of each customer to find out about the physical possibilities for sports products and activities that require physical effort. The information presented on the platform to describe the details of a product is given for information only and the photos are non-contractual.

 – Any service abandoned or not presented in the place at the date and time indicated on the Voucher, will be considered as consumed and will not give rise to any reimbursement.

 – BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL cannot be held responsible in the event of cancellation or modification of activities by service providers. This situation is very rare, but in this case we offer similar activities as alternatives or a full refund.

 – BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, foreseeable or unforeseeable, resulting from a failure by the supplier to provide the reserved service due to a cause beyond its control (weather conditions, breakdowns, strikes, etc.).


– Several services have different meeting places, these meeting places will be mentioned on the Voucher of each reservation, but they also appear on the card of each product on our platform BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL with its GPS location. Our customers can contact our support team to help them locate these places, which are well-known and popular tourist spots. Any customer who does not show up at the place mentioned in his Voucher, his reservation will be considered as a no-show and no refund will be made. –

If the service booked is a group service “Shared tour” or with a fixed departure date “Next departure”, which generally involves the participation of several people, any delay of more than 5 minutes will be considered a no-show so as not to disrupt the booking program and no refund will be made.  –

Certain activities of a sporting nature (4×4, quad, buggy, tyrolean traverse, dromedary, wake board etc.) may present risks of injury or accident. Each customer who books this type of activity must ensure that he/she is physically fit for the type of activity chosen, and must affirm that he/she is fully aware of these risks and complies with the safety standards set by our teams or our service providers.

 – In the event that BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL is obliged to reverse the direction or order of the program and/or to modify certain services due to force majeure or as a result of the failure of the supplier to provide the service booked, or due to a cause beyond its control or control (weather conditions, breakdowns, strikes, etc.), BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL nevertheless undertakes to use its best endeavors to maintain the program and services booked and to offer the customer equivalent or compensatory services. The customer will not be entitled to any compensation other than the reimbursement of any services not replaced, or the reimbursement of the difference in price if the cost of the latter proves to be lower than the services initially planned.

 – Force majeure is defined as any event external to the parties which prevents either the customer, the participants, BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL or the service providers involved in the provision of the booked service, from fulfilling some or all of the planned obligations.

 – BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL undertakes to do everything in its power to ensure that the service runs smoothly. BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL cannot be held responsible in the event of failure to comply for reasons beyond its control (civil/religious holidays, cultural/civil events, strikes, bad weather, political events, war/civil war…) and/or for any incident, delay or other fact due to a third party, or to the customer himself.

 – Each party is responsible for all costs incurred as a result of force majeure. Consequently, the customer alone will bear any additional costs that may be incurred in order to make a refund or change the date of the service, if this involves additional costs.


Responsibilities of the company:

– Competitive rates;

– Courteous welcome;

– Impeccable quality of services;

– Knowledgeable, clean, courteous and presentable official guides;

– Punctuality: set up 15 minutes before the agreed time (if no pick-up);

– Friendly staff offering unquestionable service and competence;

– Honoring all services included in each product booked;

– Vehicles in an irreproachable state of cleanliness; –

Drivers trained to drive calmly and safely in all situations. They are obliged to comply with traffic regulations. When the journey is long, the driver must rest along the way. Likewise

, before departure and after dropping you off at your destination, they may be required to take a night’s rest. Hotel accommodation and meal expenses are not charged


BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL refrains from lending its support to any enterprise or action contrary to morality or decency;

– BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL refrains from denigrating a colleague to customers for commercial purposes.

Data security:

 The information collected by BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL is necessary to allow the realization of the proposed services and for the use of certain services. MY MARRAKECH TOURS undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of information provided by the customer, and advises him that this information will be stored in a computerized database and will be intended in whole or in part BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL

 All information concerning the customer is subject to the provisions of law n° 09-08 of the CNDP. In this respect, the customer has the right to access, modify and delete information concerning him/her from his/her customer account on the BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL platform.


Customer responsibilities:

The customer must respect the schedule of the service mentioned on his Voucher and the schedules agreed with our drivers or guides at the time of the realization of the reserved service;

– The customer must respect the meeting place mentioned on his Voucher;

– The customer must not disturb the progress of the programs organized on a collective basis

– The customer commits himself to maintain a correct attitude, not to consume narcotics and not to get drunk; –

The customer must behave in an educated and responsible manner; any disrespect towards our staff may result in the cancellation of the service booked and all future services;

– The customer must strictly respect the safety measures established for each sporting activity by our proveedores or staff;

– Smoking is strictly forbidden in our vehicles; – No

food, drink or pets are allowed in our vehicles unless previously agreed;

– The luggage carried is proportional to the volume of the vehicle’s luggage compartment. The said luggage is the responsibility of the customer;

– We are not responsible for objects forgotten in our vehicles or elsewhere during the service, so the customer must ensure that he or she has not forgotten anything before leaving the vehicle.

Property rights:

All users of the platform acknowledge that the information and visuals contained therein are provided for information purposes only and are the property of BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL or its partners. Reproduction or storage of BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL content in any form whatsoever is prohibited and subject to Moroccan law.


Booking conditions:

 Reservations can be made every day up to 24 hours before the event, depending on the nature of the product in question, and up to 72 hours or more for certain products. For a reservation to be taken into account, it must be made through an existing customer account in the MY MARRAKECH TOURS platform database. To register, an account opening form must be duly completed with your full name, address, telephone number and e-mail address… Each customer is responsible for the information communicated at the time of registration and BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL is not responsible for any problems caused by the communication of erroneous information.

After validation of the payment, a confirmation e-mail with the Voucher of each reserved service will be sent to the customer within 24 hours. Likewise, a message with the Voucher for each service will be sent to the customer’s e-mail account on the BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL platform. This Voucher represents both a summary of the reservation with the precise time and place of the appointment and the balance to be paid, if any.


Depending on the type of activity chosen, prices may be quoted per person, per group or per service. Prices are subject to change without notice and only become final upon receipt of confirmation.

 Payment is to be made in the reference currency indicated on the platform, i.e. in Euro and/or US Dollar and/or MAD (Moroccan Dirham), unless the CMI solution is chosen as the means of payment.

 The CMI only supports MAD as a currency. If the total amount of a reservation is in another currency, at the time of payment this amount will be converted into MAD and the payment will therefore be made in MAD according to the exchange rate of the day applied by the bank. The conversion from Euro or US Dollar to MAD on the CMI payment page is made according to the MAD rates of the same products booked (see more details in the payment conditions above).

Add a beneficiary

All products available on BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL can be offered as gifts or can be reserved in the names of people who have not made the reservation. To do this, fill in the “Add a beneficiary”

form before adding it to the “Shopping cart” or before paying for the order. This form can be found on each product page in the reservation bar.

 Once the reservation has been confirmed, customers can change the name of the beneficiary at any time from their customer account, or contact our reservations team to request a change.


The services offered by BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL and its affiliated sites are subject to the availability of its service providers. No claim or compensation can be made in the event that the chosen service is not available. Any reservation will not be considered effective until the customer has received confirmation by e-mail from BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL within 48 hours.


Children benefit from special conditions depending on the product booked: –

A 10% discount of up to 70% on the full adult fare,

– A 10% discount of up to 70% calculated after 7 people paying the full fare.

 – Free admission for the first child (up to the first 3 children),

A product may have only one of the above conditions, or all three, while other products offer no discount for children, as do most products in the Activities category.


– Once a reservation has been made and confirmed, a personal Voucher will be sent for each service reserved to the customer’s e-mail account on the BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL platform and to the e-mail address provided by the customer when opening an account on the same platform.

 – A customer’s order will only be definitively confirmed on receipt of the Voucher.

– It is imperative that the customer presents the printed or cell phone Voucher to MY MARRAKECH TOURS representatives and/or its service providers. Each Voucher bears a barcode which must be scanned to validate before any reservation can be made.

 – BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL cannot be held responsible for the non presentation of the Voucher to its representatives and / or service providers.

 – The customer will be able to find all his bookings and Vouchers in his customer account on the BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL platform.

 – Each Voucher contains a summary of the reservation concerned, with the exact time and place of appointment, which each customer is obliged to respect in order to be able to honour and complete the reservation.


Discounted products:

 BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL offers its customers several products at special rates, such as promotional products and Flash Sales.

Promotions: are products offered with specific discounts according to each product, applied over the entire period of availability of the product in question, which extends over 24 months from the current date.

Flash Sales: are products with very significant discounts at specific times of the year. Flash Sale products are displayed on BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL in the form of promotions based on a countdown lasting 24 hours or more.


 To ensure the best prices for groups and individuals and in addition to promotions and Flash Sales that can be applied to each product, BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL offers its customers interesting discounts that are automatically deducted from the total amount when booking, these discounts vary between 1.5%, 2% and 3% depending on the total amount of the booking and are as follows:

1.5% discount on amounts over 650 euros / 780 Usd / 7,200 Mad.

2% discount on amounts over 1,250 euros / 1,490 Usd / 13,900 Mad.

3% discount on amounts over 1,900 euros / 2,300 Usd / 21,200 Mad.

 These discounts apply after deduction of the coupon code from the booking amount.

Shared tour:

 This option is available on several products in the : Visits, Excursions, Circuits and Excursions, it allows you to benefit from significant discounts depending on the product and the number of people and which can reach 65% discount. By choosing this option, the product booked will be carried out collectively with other BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL customers (see SPECIAL PRODUCTS CONDITIONS).


 BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL offers its customers coupons that can be won by making multiple bookings or by winning seasonal raffles.


– BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL offers three payment solutions, either by credit card through the CMI (Centre Monétique Interbancaires) solution, or by Paypal (both through our platform) or by bank transfer. There are no additional charges for any of the three options*. –

We offer a flexible method of paying for orders, with 30% paid at the

time of booking, either by credit card, bank transfer or Paypal, and the remainder paid on site before or on the day of the first service. –

The credit

 cards accepted by the CMI solution are: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, CMI, Diners Club and Discover. – If the customer opts to pay by credit card through CMI, payment will be made in MAD (Moroccan Dirham), with a small bank difference (either minus or plus) likely to be applied depending on the exchange rate of the day. Payment will be indicated on the credit card statement .

 – If the customer opts to pay 30% of the invoice amount, he/she must pay the remainder of the invoice in full before the date of the first service booked. In the event of non-payment of the remainder of the invoice on or after the date of the first reservation (order), the entire order will be considered cancelled and no refund will be made.

 – As soon as payment has been confirmed, the customer receives an e-mail confirming the booking, listing the services booked and the total amount of the invoice.

 – BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL is subject to an approved and 100% secure payment system using SSL protocol.

 – BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL declines all responsibility for any failure in data transmission.

 – BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL reserves the right to request proof of identity from the customer in order to confirm the reservation.

 – In the event of fraudulent use of the credit card, the customer may demand cancellation of the payment, in which case the sums paid will be credited back or refunded. The credit card holder is not liable if the disputed payment has been proven to have been made fraudulently from a distance, without physical use of the card. To obtain reimbursement for the fraudulent debit, the cardholder must contest the debit in writing to his or her bank, and may be subject to bank charges.


Before booking confirmation:

You can freely modify and/or delete all products from your “Shopping Cart”.

After booking confirmation:

Modification and cancellation conditions apply to booked products according to their dates and their nature (standard products or products with special conditions), as follows: – Change of date: You can change the date of the service free of charge up to 7 days before the date on which it is to take place.  If

the product is booked with the “Shared Tour”

option, or if it is a product with a fixed departure date “Next departure”, it is possible to change the date only once, 21 days before the initial date.

– Changing the number of participants: You can change the number of participants free of charge up to 7 days before the date of the event, subject to availability. A price adjustment may be necessary if the price is different depending on the number of people (supplement or refund), see “Prices” on the product page concerned.

– Modification or cancellation of the service: You may modify or cancel the service free of charge up to 7 days before the date on which it is to take place. 

If the product is booked with the “Shared tour”

option or a product with a fixed departure date “Next departure”, cancellation may incur charges according to the scale below:

      – Cancellation free of charge up to 22 days before the date of service.

      – 30% of the cancellation fee will be charged from 21 to 16 days before the start of the service.

      – 60% of cancellation fees will be charged from 15 to 8 days before the start of the event.

      – 100% of cancellation fees will be charged if the start date is 7 days or less.

      – In the event of cancellation due to force majeure recognized by the Moroccan government, an immediate refund of the entire reservation will be made.

– All cancellations received within this period will be immediately refunded. For some countries, refund transaction fees may apply. –

To modify or cancel a reservation, log in to your customer account and go to “Orders” in your customer account. You will then be able to apply the modification to the product in question or cancel it.



 Any complaints must be made and addressed to our head office within eight days of the completion of your service in subject, they must be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address: (……). After this eight-day period, they cannot be taken into account.

 In the event of malpractice, we will refund the full amount paid directly to the customer’s bank account.

 Delays are not considered as serious misconduct and are not taken into consideration when they do not influence the general course of the booked service.

Settlement of disputes:

The present conditions of distance selling are subject to Moroccan law. For all disputes or litigation, the competent court will be that of Marrakech where the head office of BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL



Shared tour:

All categories: visits, excursions, hikes and tours are offered in private mode, but we also offer the possibility of sharing the service with other people if one of our customers does not wish to do it privately. 

The “Shared Tour”

option offers substantial discounts on the initial product prices, sometimes exceeding 65%. It is available on most of the products in the above-mentioned categories, provided that the period between the reservation date and the desired date of service is 30 days for some products, and 45 or 60 days for others.

To find out whether a product offers this option, you must first select the date you wish to book in the product page, then a “Shared Tour”

box will be displayed with the proposed discount. If nothing is displayed, this means that the product in question does not offer this option.

The “Shared Tour”

box will be displayed with the proposed discount in the booking bar below the selected date, and the proposed discount varies according to the number of people.

Once this option is chosen, the booking in question will be open for collective sale to BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL customers and will be subject to special modification and cancellation conditions, see “Modification and cancellation conditions”.

Next departures:

These are products put on collective sale for BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL customers with special rates and fixed departure dates. They are subject to the MY MARRAKECH TOURS platform’s normal modification and cancellation conditions, see “Modification and cancellation conditions”.


These are programs made up of a set of products, designed for people wishing to book predefined stays based on visits, activities and excursions grouped according to a specific theme at a preferential rate.

 All programs are based on 2 days of activities, with the option of adding more products (between those offered) and extending the program to 4 days or more.

They are subject to the BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL platform’s normal modification and cancellation conditions, see “Modification and cancellation conditions”.


Individual conditions:

– No prepayment is required to make a reservation in the restaurant chosen by the customer. Consumption is à la carte and the customer pays on the spot directly at the restaurant. No charges are added to the restaurant bill. BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL only reserves the table in the customer’s name, on the day and at the time requested by the customer, according to the restaurant’s opening hours.

 – In the event that the customer is unable to attend the reserved restaurant, it is imperative that he cancels his reservation. This can be done via his confirmation e-mail (sent by BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL) or by contacting the reservations department.

 – Reservations can be made on the day of booking.

Group conditions :

Offers the possibility of reserving a complete menu of 3 courses or more for the whole group at a special rate,

– Several menu choices will be communicated to the customer with catering for allergic and vegetarian cases,

– Privatization of a lounge or space for the whole group if possible, otherwise BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL will guarantee the grouping of all group members at side-by-side tables. –

Attentive and personalized service from the restaurant staff with assistance from BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL staff,

– A 50% prepayment is required for confirmation of the reservation,

These conditions are applicable only to groups of 20 people or more and that their reservation dates are more than 7 days (working) from the date of the request,

The processing and management of these reservation requests are done by e-mail with the customer, they are not managed by the BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL platform. In the event of confirmation, the restaurant reservation is added to the customer’s account, and the customer can benefit from the advantages offered and the recoverable commission.


DRIVER: When picking

up the vehicle, the main driver, in his or her capacity as Hirer, must present a valid driving license. The license must be Moroccan, European or international and must be valid for at least one year.

 The minimum age of the main driver is 23. 

If the main driver’s license is less than one year old, a surcharge of 360 MAD incl. tax per rental will be applied.

 Only the main driver is authorized to drive the vehicle. To mention an additional driver on the rental contract, a surcharge of 300 MAD incl. tax will be applied per rental and per additional driver.

 Material damage caused to the vehicle by an unauthorized driver remains entirely the responsibility of the Hirer.


A credit card guarantee deposit (CB, VISA, EUROCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS) will be requested from the Hirer when picking up the vehicle. This must be in the name and surname of the Hirer.

 Visa debit, electron and maestro cards are not accepted for the security deposit. The amount of the security deposit is equal to the amount of the deductible.

 For the purposes of vehicle rental, our service provider represented by its car rental company, acting in its capacity as Renter, will make a request to the Renter’s bank, designated by the Renter, for pre-authorization of the amount of the security deposit required for the duration of the rental of the reserved vehicle.

 If the bank refuses to provide this pre-authorization, the reservation for the vehicle rental will be cancelled and the Renter will be reimbursed the amount of the prepaid reservation minus the cancellation/no-show fee (see MODIFICATION AND/OR CANCELLATION section below).


– Oil, maintenance and on-board documents.

 – Vehicle at your disposal.

 – Unlimited mileage.

 – Unlimited third-party liability insurance.


– The incompressible deductible or the deductible in the event of theft of the vehicle (see INSURANCE AND ADDITIONAL PROTECTION).

 – Fuel: Vehicles must be returned with the same level of fuel as on departure. If this is not the case, the missing fuel will be invoiced at the public price, in addition to the cost of filling up to a maximum of 240 MAD inclusive of tax (see GENERAL CONDITIONS).

 – Delivery charges for duplicate keys (in the event of damage, loss or theft): 240 MAD incl. VAT. In the event of loss of the keys given initially, the theft guarantee will lapse.

 – All vehicles are equipped with a fluorescent vest and a warning triangle. If the safety kit is returned incomplete or lost, a penalty of 360 MAD (incl. VAT) will be charged to the Hirer.


Delivery is available free of charge in the urban area of Marrakech.

 For delivery to Marrakech airport, a surcharge of 90 MAD incl. VAT will be applied to the reservation.

 Please contact us for all deliveries to regions around Marrakech or to other Moroccan cities.

 For the return of the vehicle in another city, a supplement will be charged according to the distance of this city from Marrakech. The Renter must contact us to inform him of the supplement.

For any delivery or return of a vehicle after 8 p.m., an additional fee of 300 MAD (all taxes included) will be charged to the Hirer when the contract is established and/or closed.


The “Territory” refers to the country in which the rented vehicle is authorized to circulate, i.e. MOROCCO.

 In the event of a delay in picking up the vehicle, the reservation will be held until two hours after the scheduled pick-up time, unless the Renter contacts the reservation center to change your arrival time. After this two-hour period, the vehicle will be made available to other customers. Arrangements may be made after this time, depending on the availability of our rental companies’ vehicles.

 In the case of a promotional rate, failure to respect the rental period agreed when picking up the vehicle will systematically result in invoicing of the full rate in force according to the period and make of vehicle.

 The rates applicable to the rental, additional services, optional guarantees or insurance are those in force when the contract is signed and correspond to the conditions set out by the Renter (duration, return station, etc.). Any change in these conditions will result in the application of another rate corresponding to the new conditions.

 The vehicle is supplied with a minimum of 3/8 fuel. The Hirer must return the vehicle in the same condition. Failing this, the missing number of liters of fuel will be invoiced.

 In accordance with the principle of the personality of penalties in the Kingdom of Morocco, a Renter is liable for any offences committed during the rental period. He/she is hereby informed that his/her details may be communicated to the police authorities upon request.

 A handling fee of 500 MAD including VAT will be withheld by the Renter from the security deposit for the processing of any fines and penalties imposed on the Tenant during the rental period.


A description of the vehicle is attached to the Tenant’s contract. Each Tenant is expected to check the condition of the vehicle before signing the contract. Failing this, we will be deemed to have delivered a vehicle in conformity with the descriptive condition. Unfortunately, we will not be able to take into account any claims concerning apparent damage which has not been reported at the time of departure. The Hirer must return the vehicle in the condition in which it was received. Any costs incurred by the Tenant in restoring the vehicle to its original condition, or in the absence of fault on the part of an identified third party, will be added to the cost of the rental, subject to the provisions of the “Optional Contractual Guarantees” section.

 The Hirer undertakes to use the vehicle responsibly, in particular without being under the influence of alcohol or narcotics or of any substance likely to affect driving in accordance with the provisions of the Moroccan Highway Code, and to use it in accordance with its intended purpose, which is the transport of persons in the case of private vehicles and the transport of goods in the case of commercial vehicles.

 Where the conditions of use of the rented vehicle are governed by specific regulations, the Hirer is responsible for complying with these regulations throughout the term of the contract. In addition,

any breach of these regulations obliges the Hirer to compensate the Rental Firm for any loss the latter may suffer. We would like to draw the Hirer’s attention to the dimensions of commercial vehicles, which require extra care during certain manoeuvres and may make it impossible to cross certain road infrastructures (tunnels, bridges, etc.).

 In the event of misjudgment of the vehicle’s dimensions, top and underbody impacts are not covered by the damage warranty, unless proof of force majeure can be provided.

 Goods and luggage transported in the vehicle, including their packaging or stowage, must not damage the vehicle or pose abnormal risks to its occupants.


  1. re-renting;
  2. transporting persons for remuneration;
  3. For the transport of more people than stated on the vehicle registration document;
  4. To take part in rallies, competitions or trials, regardless of location or conditions;
  5. To give driving lessons;
  6. To push or pull another vehicle (except vehicles fitted with a hook – maximum load 1000 kg);
  7. For roads that are not passable, or whose surface or state of maintenance presents a risk to tires or parts under the vehicle;
  8. To commit an intentional offence.


During the rental period, and depending on the number of kilometers covered, the Hirer must carry out the usual checks (engine oil level, water level, tire pressure, etc.), in accordance with responsible use. In this respect, the Hirer will remain vigilant to any signals emitted by the warning lights appearing on the vehicle’s dashboard, and will take all necessary precautionary measures, if required, such as making an emergency stop.

 The vehicle is supplied with tires whose condition and number comply with road regulations. In the event of deterioration of one of these tires for reasons other than normal wear and tear, latent defect or force majeure, the Hirer undertakes to replace it immediately and at his own expense with a tire of the same size, type and brand, and of equal wear and tear.


In the event of mechanical breakdown or accident, the Hirer benefits from an Assistance Service, included in the rental price. The Hirer must contact our customer services directly.


The rental period is calculated in 24-hour increments, which cannot be split up, from the time the vehicle is made available.

 The maximum duration of a rental contract is 30 days. The Renter undertakes to return the vehicle to the Hirer on the date stipulated in the rental contract, failing which he/she shall be liable to civil and criminal prosecution.

 If a Renter wishes to renew the contract, he must :  –

Pay the rent and additional charges at the close of the expired contract and sign a new contract.

 Renewal of a monthly contract is strictly subject to the above stipulations. In addition,

failure by the Hirer to comply with these stipulations for monthly rentals will automatically render him/her liable to the Rental Firm for a contractual penalty payment of 500 MAD (inclusive of tax) per day the vehicle is kept beyond the contract expiry date, in addition to the cost of the rental and without prejudice, for the Rental Firm, to any civil and/or criminal action which may be open to it on the grounds of non-return of the vehicle.

RETURN OF VEHICLES: The rental contract

can only be terminated by the agent taking possession of the vehicle, documents and keys during opening hours (between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.).

 If a Hirer is slightly late in returning the vehicle, we grant a 59-minute extension, after which the Hirer must pay for an additional day. 

Vehicles returned outside opening hours remain the responsibility of the renter. The time of return of the vehicle for closing the contract and determining the amount of the invoice, will be the time of the next opening of the agency.

 If the vehicle is returned without its keys, the hirer will be billed for the keys and, where applicable, for the cost of returning and immobilizing the vehicle.

 The loss of keys requires us to change all the locks, and the full amount of these costs will be invoiced to the Hirer. The replacement of keys following damage remains the responsibility of the Renter. Failure to return the vehicle keys following theft will result in the vehicle being invoiced.

 The Hirer cannot be held responsible in any way for goods left in the vehicle at the end of the rental period.


In the event of confiscation or sealing of the vehicle, the rental contract may be terminated by operation of law as soon as the Hirer is informed thereof by the legal authorities or by the Hirer.

 Any use of the vehicle which is detrimental to the Hirer shall entitle the Hirer to terminate the contract ipso jure. In the event of theft, the rental contract is terminated as soon as the Hirer has filed a complaint with the competent authorities.

DAMAGE OR THEFT: In the event of

damage or theft, the Hirer must send the Rental Firm, within a period not exceeding 2 days, the accident report form or the theft report receipt issued by the authorities, together with the vehicle’s keys and papers.

 When a Hirer parks the vehicle, even for a short stop, he/she must lock the vehicle and use the alarm and/or anti-theft devices with which the vehicle is equipped. Never leave the vehicle unoccupied with the keys in the ignition. Failure to return the keys will result in loss of theft cover.


All our vehicles are covered by a third-party liability policy. The Hirer may also take out optional insurance cover for the driver, passengers, damage and glass breakage.

 The conditions and limitations of compulsory or optional insurances, contractual warranties and those of the assistance contract remain at the request of the Renter.

 Material damage and theft of the vehicle are the responsibility of the Renter, subject to a deductible.


Partial or total suppression of damage deductibles is an optional benefit that allows the Renter to partially reduce the amount of the deductible, except in the event of theft, attempted theft or vandalism. The amount of the damage deductible will therefore be reduced to half with the partial option, and no amount will be paid with the total option*.

 This guarantee is applicable if the vehicle is used in accordance with the terms and conditions of the rental contract. The Renter must request this guarantee from the Hirer at the time of vehicle delivery, who will give him the rate according to the category of vehicle rented.

 *In the event of total deductible waiver, a non-refundable deposit is required to cover loss of vehicle documents, loss of keys, additional day’s expenses or other expenses not covered by the total deductible waiver insurance.

 Damage to tires, rims and punctures, towing costs, damage to or theft of accessories (rear-view mirror, antenna, blinker, headlight), water damage (rain, sea) due to negligence, interior damage, damage to the

underside of the vehicle caused by improper use, damage caused off a paved road, and more generally all damage caused by use that does not comply with manufacturers’ standards, remain the responsibility of the Hirer, even if a deductible reduction insurance policy has been taken out.

 Material damage to the vehicle is covered only in the event of an accident with an identified third party, and on production of an accident report within 24 hours. Theft or damage to the vehicle must also be reported to the police or gendarmerie. The absence of these documents implies full payment of the loss by the Renter.


Drivers not named in the rental contract, and for whom the Hirer remains responsible, will not be entitled to the benefit of the vehicle’s damage or theft warranties. Failure to comply with any of the obligations expressly stipulated in the present terms and conditions will result in forfeiture of the contractual guarantees subscribed. The hirer(s) will then be liable for the entire loss under the conditions of ordinary liability law.

 All these coverages apply only in the Territory, for the duration of the rental contract and subject to compliance with the stipulations relating to age and possession of a driving license, authorized use of the vehicle and return of the vehicle in the present conditions.


Vehicle rentals are generally subject to the same BYKECH LUXURY TRAVEL conditions of modification and cancellation, except in the following cases.

 In the case of cancellation within 7 days of the date of the service or no-show, MY MARRAKECH TOURS will retain 30% of the amount of the prepaid reservation as compensation for the immobilization of the vehicle borne by the Renter and the costs incurred in connection with the establishment of the reservation file.

 If the Renter has made a prepayment of more than 30%, the account will be adjusted and a refund will be made immediately. For some countries, refund transaction fees may apply.

 To modify or cancel a reservation, log in to your customer account and go to “Orders” in your customer account. You will then be able to apply the modification to the product in question or cancel it. 


Tenants are jointly and severally liable for payment of the rental charge. The estimated cost of the rental and services is payable in advance. It includes: the rental price calculated according to the rates in force when the contract is signed, any fees or costs of additional options contracted by the Hirer, the various contributions relating to additional guarantees or insurance taken out, plus the security deposit if applicable, as well as the fuel service assessment.

 For all payments made by credit card, the Hirer/principal driver must be the cardholder. However, for the amount of the security deposit, only an authorization will be required at the start of the rental. On return, the balance of the invoice, if any, will be automatically debited from the account corresponding to the card presented, unless the Hirer presents another means of payment accepted by the Rental Firm, subject to the application of the stipulations of the article below relating to prepayment, if applicable. The Hirer hereby accepts that the non-redeemable excess and any other costs directly or indirectly related to the vehicle, its rental or the use made of it by the Hirer (fuel, repairs, fines, etc.) will be debited from this same account.


In the event of late payment, as indicated on the invoice by the due date, the Tenant will be liable for a late payment penalty equal to 3 times the current legal rate. However, the Hirer expressly accepts that :

– Failure to pay, or any non-payment, will result in the forfeiture of all outstanding invoices and the automatic termination of the contract.

 – The Hirer requires the immediate return of vehicles in the course of rental.


The amount of the guarantee deposit depends, on the one hand, on the category of the rented vehicle and, on the other hand, on the additional guarantees subscribed. It is intended to cover any loss suffered by the Hirer as a result of damage to or theft of the vehicle. The amount will be indicated to the Renter when he picks up the vehicle and will be mentioned on his contract.

 If the Renter has not taken out a contractual guarantee (theft and/or damage), the security deposit will be equal to the amount of the renter’s liability limit. This amount differs according to the vehicle category and will be communicated to the Renter at the time of vehicle pick-up or beforehand by written request sent by e-mail to our reservation department.

 If the Renter has taken out contractual damage and theft cover, only a deposit equal to the amount of the non-redeemable excess remaining payable by the Renter in the event of damage or theft will be required. The deposit may be limited or excluded depending on the additional optional contractual warranties that reduce or eliminate the non-redeemable deductible.

 The security deposit will be forfeited to the Hirer in the event of damage attributable to the Hirer or in the absence of fault on the part of an identified third party, and in the event of theft of the vehicle (unless the contractual warranties set out above are applied), up to the amount of the loss suffered.

 In the absence of damage and/or theft and of any other costs directly or indirectly related to the vehicle, its rental or the use made of it by the Renter (fuel, repairs, fines, tires, etc.), the amount of the blocked security deposit will be released at the end of the rental period, subject to the collection period.


event of prepayment of the rental, the following provisions are applicable:

1- The rate subject to prepayment may not be the subject of a discount, nor may it be combined with any other promotional offer.

 2- The rate excludes all additional costs not expressly mentioned as included in the booking confirmation with advance payment, as well as any additional optional services which remain the responsibility of the Renter.

 3- A valid credit card must be presented to the Hirer’s agent at the time of vehicle pick-up to cover in advance any additional supplements not included in the prepayment. Bank authorization by this card is required at the start of the rental, as the amount of any supplements attached to the rental will only be debited when the vehicle is returned.

 4- A non-redeemable excess may be applied if the vehicle is stolen or damaged for any reason whatsoever, even if accident and/or theft cover has been taken out or is included in the rental charge.


Nothing in these terms and conditions shall affect any statutory provisions protecting the consumer or exclude or limit any liability for death or personal injury arising from the negligence or fraudulent misrepresentation of the Lessor. The Hirer expressly acknowledges and agrees that the Hirer, its officers and employees shall not be liable for any indirect damage such as loss of sales, goodwill, data or any other intangible loss (including in the event that the Hirer has been informed of such a risk), resulting from the reservation and prepayment.


Jurisdiction is given to the courts of the place where the vehicle

rental service is provided, i.e. the place where the vehicle made available for rental is located. Any dispute between merchants arising from the present contract which cannot be settled amicably shall, to the extent permitted by law, be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court having jurisdiction over the Head Office of the Hirer.